Thứ Sáu, 9 tháng 8, 2024

Kathy’s Newfound Confidence after Cataract Surgery at Chu Vision

“It’s just mindblowing to me the technology that you guys have to better  people’s lives. I just feel like words don’t even seem enough to convey what I felt from the beginning. You help me make this possible and for that I’ll be eternally grateful.” ~Kathy

As Kathy’s vision worsened, her world started to close in. Her favorite activities were no longer fun due to her cloudy vision. It wasn’t until she was driving to the airport and went into the wrong ramp that she realized it was time to get it fixed. After the first clinic she tried didn’t feel right, she found Chu Vision Institute in Bloomington where she felt comfortable and excited. The team answered all her questions from beginning to end, never rushing her and always making sure she was cared for each step of the way. The Chu team even had a little surprise for her as she entered the OR! After surgery with a Toric lens implant to correct her astigmatism, Kathy’s results are 20/20 vision, and her confidence is restored. Having cataracts removed goes beyond just clear vision… it impacts how you present and feel about yourself! We love being able to improve your quality of life by restoring your vision!

Watch Kathy’s story below:

Find your true north with New Vision.


Video Transcription:

and now I can’t wait to wake up every morning and look at the world through my new eyes it’s like you got you guys gave me my life back I know I have Goosebumps said I wasn’t going cry it’s just it makes me

emotional my name is Kathy Sande and I had the cataract surgery for my astigmatism I’m one month posttop today and now I can see phenomenal and I’m able to just wake up and see a immediately which is so life-changing it’s just incredible that I get up and I’m ready to face the day in the morning it’s like I am not worrying about fumbling for glasses or anything I can see to shave my legs which you know it sounds silly but you take that for granted and it’s like I can paint my toenails cuz I can see my toenails I don’t have to put glasses on and it’s just it’s all these little things that you like really are the big things and I’m less dependent on glasses contact just because my eyes are amazing 20/20 I believe is what I was told right out of the recovery room and I’m like that’s crazy The Tipping Point for me is we were going on a concert trip and we were at the airport where we’re going to have to park the car and long-term parking and I freaked out because I couldn’t read the sign to see longterm or short-term well I pulled into the short term when I was supposed to be in long term that realization is just like okay we we need to do something about this and now I’m excited and like what’s the next exit which where are we turn off now I like to go walking I like to go shopping I like to go swimming I like to you know we go to concerts and it’s just like my world got so small because of my poor vision and I’m like you know what I’m not going to live the next stage of my life like this now I have this confidence back that I haven’t had in a long time and it’s funny cuz it spills over in other parts of my life and people are telling me that since I had the cataract surgery that they can see that I stand straighter I’m more confident in the way I talk and present myself and I said I owe it all to chew it’s just an incredible incredible feeling I found Chu Vision by researching on my Healthcare website and then it’s funny cuz once you start looking at that stuff it pops up in your Facebook feed and which is great because I’m watching all the videos I’m listening to the testimonials I’m like these are real people telling their side of the story you guys are so young and full of life and energetic it’s just it’s contagious I did go to another place first to get checked out and I’m a really a people person so how people treat you is very important and I left there feeling really uneasy and I actually cried in the parking ramp so then when I learned about Chu I’m like okay I’m going to try again and from the very first time I texted somebody body and they message me back I’m like these people are different they really care they want me to understand all the financial stuff and the process of it and what it entails and I felt like I was treated like a just a very valued family member and so that sealed the deal right there the one thing that if I could tell somebody is don’t hesitate it’s don’t be like me and wait CU you don’t get any of that time back and I wish I had done it way sooner but I guess I had to go down the path of someone I didn’t care for to find the people that I really did care for and each individual that I came into contact with was so kind and so reassuring the other thing is like when the day that I was going into surgery for the first one of course I was nervous and they took me into the room where they put the IV and stuff in and they’re like what do you like to do and I’m like well I like rock concerts and you what kind of bands do you like and I said you know I named off a bunch of rock band and a couple minutes later Dr Chu came through and he shook my hand and he goes it’s going to be no problem at all you’re going to be fine and then when one of the nurses came in and said I think they’re ready for you I can hear your music and I’m like I didn’t quite know what she meant and as I was wheeling in there playing Motle Crue home sweet home and I literally I know I had tears coming down I’m like again who does that that is personalized care to help me calm down it made me feel so valued and that that’s doesn’t come easy in this world for the concert goer that I am I can see the emotion on the singer’s faces I can see the sweat coming down and I have that now and it’s again I’ve sat and cried at concerts because it’s so emotional to be able to see everything on stage no matter where I’m sitting or standing that’s priceless to me it’s just mindblowing to me the technology that you guys have to to better people’s lives I just feel like words don’t even seem enough to convey what I what I felt from the beginning you help me make this possible and for that I’ll be eternally grateful Chu Rocks!


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