Thứ Ba, 7 tháng 5, 2024

Ray and his Light Adjustable Lens at Chu Vision in Minneapolis

Ray can see “So well it’s scary”

When he was told by his eye doctor that his cataracts were ready for surgery, he made his way over to Chu Vision Institute. The first thing Ray noticed was the awesome staff who are committed to taking care of you. Then he learned that Chu Vision has the most options for vision correction after cataract surgery. Ray opted for the Light Adjustable Lens. Suddenly, everything is whiter and brighter!

He can enjoy life better, including playing with his young grandkids, collecting coins, and playing pickleball! Watch the video to hear Ray share his story.




uh my name is Ray rockholt and I had the light adjustable lens procedure done I can see so well it’s it’s almost scary at times a little over a year ago I went to my normal eye appointment and was told that the Cataract in my right eye was starting to get fairly cloudy and I could still see I could see distance without any problem but when it came to reading like you know you read a book or you hold your phone and read your phone or that became difficult and last fall it got to the point where I just I couldn’t take it I just I you know I was straining to read reading glasses weren’t helping my contacts weren’t doing any good and so I was referred to chu vision and that’s my story on how I landed at this place my first visit into the office I’m going to call out the staff in this place because everybody’s awesome I mean they’re really awesome they call you by your first name when you come through the front door they’re friendly anything that you need to know you’re told the clinic side of the staff is awesome I liked them because my wife and I are pretty we’re active we like to ride bikes we like to walk we really like to play pickle ball and I’m sure other people will go through this that’s why I want to emphasize the first time you’re going to be nervous because you don’t know what to expect but they put you out so you know nothing and when you wake up it’s all done the first thing I noticed was how much how much everything popped suddenly a toilet is white a sink in the bathroom is white that’s a huge difference that people will notice is how much bluer the sky looks how much whiter that wall looks you’re used to seeing yellow because that’s all you see once that is taken out of the picture the difference is phenomenal and now it’s just as clear as it can be I was getting my haircut the other day and my hair stylist I’ve kept in in the loop on this and she was anxious to see how it resolved well sitting in her chair probably 6 feet away from me I could read that crystal clear it blew her mind I can’t believe it with my contacts I can’t read that we have two grandkids one 25 month and one 10month boy and the 10month is a redhead my wife and I like to spend a lot of time with the grandkids they’re at this age they’re a lot of fun I like to dabble in collecting old coins kind of a fun and my wife and I love to play pickle ball I have dabbled in collecting for probably 5 years now uh my dad used to be a pretty avid collector when he was alive and you know I would I would pick up whatever a penny or a dime and and I would always have to use a magnifying glass to really see what I wanted to see since I’ve had this surgery I don’t need the magnifier anymore the things just razor sharp what I noticed with pickle ball is it’s much easier to follow the ball because I can see it clearly now I notice uh pickle balls are typically yellow and when I wore contact I could contacts I could see it but it it wasn’t really that clear I I like to hit the ball in the center of the paddle and I would either be up or down a little bit because I couldn’t really perceive where it was coming because of not being able to see it well that problem is 100% solved yeah I can see the balls clearly so my brain was compensating for some of the yellow that it saw but so here’s another thing so this little boy his name is Brody and since he’s a redhead his nickname we call him Rusty daughter sends me a picture the other day of Rusty and he’s sitting down it’s a cute picture he’s sitting down looking at the camera and they have yet to cut his hair so he’s got all this red hair that’s sticking straight up on the top of his head and he’s got probably a half dozen maybe eight hairs that are even longer and sticking straight up I could see those crystal clear in the picture it’s so fun to for both grandkids to be able to see them clearly if I could be a poster boy for you guys on billboards I’d do it but I think the coolest thing for me is well one of the coolest things is getting out of bed first thing in the morning open your eyes everything’s crystal clear you don’t have to walk to your dresser and get your glasses or put reading glasses on to check your phone whatever you want to look at email or whatever it’s just all clear it’s just like being a 5-year-old again you get out of bed wow life is good life is easy this place is worth it folks you need to come in here and talk to them if you’re having any eye problems I’m the perfect poster child because I saw horribly now I see perfectly


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