Thứ Năm, 22 tháng 2, 2024

Real Patient Ted Shares his Story of Cataract Surgery with the Light Adjustable Lens at Chu Vision in Minneapolis

Ted waited four years for the right technology to come along to correct his vision after cataract surgery! Dr. Chu and his team take into account the best option for each patient’s unique needs. He wants everyone to wake up every day seeing their best.

Ted opted for the Light Adjustable Lens for his cataract surgery and it has made a world of difference in his golf game, tennis game, driving experience, just everyday life! It’s just “easier” when you can see the world clearly!

With Standard Cataract Surgery, our team takes detailed measurements to best calculate the right prescription for your new lens. These calculations cannot account for the way your eye heals. With the Light Adjustable Lens, the team makes those same measurements, and then once your eye is healed, Dr. Chu and his team can use a special UV light to make small adjustments to the prescription so you can see even better!

Watch Ted talk about his experience with this life-changing procedure:



my name is Ted Taney and I had the light adjustable lens procedure it was amazing the procedure was easy simple and the results incredible I’ve got a beautiful wife and three amazing daughters so I work I’m a financial adviser I love to golf play tennis I love to be active love to go to movies concerts sporting events so I like to do a lot of special activities it got to the point where when I played golf I just couldn’t see the ball I’d hit the ball 150 yards and then I couldn’t see it and then if somebody said to me good shot then I’d walk straight and then if nobody said any then I had to decide whether I had to walk right or left knowing I didn’t hit it down the middle oh funny it got to the point where it just film like a film was over my eyes or like if I played tennis and stuff like that the ball I just couldn’t see the ball fast enough it was just getting on top of me so quickly well Dr Chu um we’ve been neighbors we were neighbors for 15 years great family and as I said I mean his reput Dr Chu’s reputation is number one and the thing I liked about Dr Chu you know I mean I I was going to have cataract surgery you know about four years ago and he said you know what you know my cornea was kind of not shaped the way it should be and he said you know I could do the surgery but I don’t want to take your money just stay patient you know the technology that’s coming out gets better and better and he said I’ll keep you informed and when I feel I find something that fits you I will definitely let you know and that’s exactly what happened here about you know less than a year ago and as I said it was one of the best phone calls I ever received because the results you know it’s a like it’s a game changer and a lifechanger really and the trust is is quite as as high as it can be you know when you can’t see I mean after I got the surgery done it’s like I got a new HD TV and you know the trees in the fall were just incredible the colors and stuff like that so and then when I started hitting the golf ball changed the game dramatically too when it comes to the testing and whatever you know they’re very thorough I mean I I felt like I got to know the team really really well I mean you walk in here I mean everybody’s just incredible you know as far as how nice they are mine was a little tricky as far as the surgery with the cornea situation it kind of made me nervous a little bit but you know after talking to the team and going through this testing and stuff like that Dr Heckman was excellent and whatever she was a a big help in that respect and whatever and you know it just made me you know feel more comfortable because you know somebody said you know we can have the surgery even the light adjustable surgery but you still might have to wear glasses and I thought oh boy don’t you know so I thought going through this whole process and stuff like that and then possibly having to wear glasses that was a little bit of a downer but as I said no glasses except except for closeup Dr Chu as far as the light adjustable lens I mean that’s when he called me and said I got a you know the state of the art and he he thought this would be a a perfect fit for me that’s that’s how it all started and stuff and then they gave me some information to read on it and everything like that so you know it was exciting to to hear about the process but when he said state-of-the-art and that made me feel comfortable and very happy with my situation you know I mean it was a trickier surgery and whatever and you know you feel anxiety or whatever but once again one of the highlights of the whole process you know Dr Chu everybody the team you know just made you just feel comfortable and took away that anxiety and then when I got done with the surgery I woke up and there was Dr Chu shaking my hand and telling me everything went great you know that meant so much to me you know I tell my family that and I tell everybody that you know you never know when you wake up did it go well or not but he was there shaking my hand and said everything’s great and that made me feel really really good it definitely took a few days you know I mean first it was blurry and everything like that but you know once again the team and Dr Chu comforted me and said that’s the process got to go through this process I mean you know from start to finish you know it’s probably 6, 8 weeks or rather before you really get to where you want to be and locking it in you know the vision and things like that so you know probably within 3 or 4 days it was a wow factor you know I’d come back and then keep checking and checking and just making sure that I was comfortable and everything was um where it needed to be and every time it came back it just seemed like everything was you know better and better and I got 20/20 Vision just everyday life just being able to watch TV and driving everything is just so clear and bright thing is the lights are brighter you know and whatever you know and the Sunshine’s brighter and everything’s brighter so but you know once again it’s so much easier people take it for granted or whatever but you know it’s it’s a major part of your life obviously I would say it’s it’s it’s not a big deal the big deal is when you’re done and you realize what you’ve accomplished by having the surgery I would recommend that to anybody and I would recommend Chu vision for sure and i’ and I have you know any chance that I have an opportunity to say great things about Chu Vision I’m right up there it’s like anything when you recommend something you got nothing to gain and everything to lose but I always feel confident when I’m recommending the best just to be able to you know see everything so clear and you know I mean once again before you know with the film over my eye and stuff like that it just got to the point it just it just gets to be like eye strain and it gets draining on you after a while you know especially after a long day and then you know come night time you’re just kind of exhausted just by being able to you know see and um it just you know takes a toll on you and I don’t feel that at all well once again I’d like to thank everybody you know I walked in the door here today you know everybody knew me I just felt like like it’s family or whatever so I mean it’s it’s wonderful every single person and every time I see Dr Chu I say you got to be so proud of your team that you’ve got here because I mean Dr Chu is great but you know he’s only as good as the people that he surrounds himself with I just can’t see enough that’s that’s the bottom line and as I said I would recommend Chu Vision to anybody and everybody


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