Thứ Ba, 25 tháng 6, 2024

Generations of Vision Correction with Dr. Chu in Bloomington

Mary Kate had the SMILE procedure with Dr. Chu. She trusted him since her father had LASIK with Dr. Chu in the 90s!

The Chu Vision team made Mary Kate feel comfortable and safe throughout the whole process. Now she can experience life without glasses! She is ready to walk down the aisle with no worries about her vision!

Watch her story below:

I’m ready to find out if I’m a candidate.

Meet with one of our expert doctors and find out:

  • if you are an ideal candidate
  • which procedure is right for you
  • the answers to all of your questions

so you can decide if vision correction is right for you.

Schedule My FREE Consultation!



Thứ Hai, 17 tháng 6, 2024

From Being Told No to LASIK, to Seeing 20/20 – EVO ICL in Minneapolis

Lisa chose the EVO ICL to correct her vision and get out of glasses and contacts for good!

After being told she wasn’t a candidate for LASIK over and over, Lisa happened across Chu Vision on social media. In a last-ditch effort to find a solution, the Chu Vision doctors took their time examining Lisa’s eyes and it turned out she is an EXCELLENT candidate for EVO ICL – Implantable Contact Lens. This permanent yet reversible and upgradable lens gives patients with high prescriptions another option to get rid of glasses. And now Lisa doesn’t have to worry about her sensitive eyes, driving, losing glasses, or just working and living life! Join the glasses-free club! See if ICL is right for you!

I’m ready to find out if I’m a candidate.

Meet with one of our expert doctors and find out:

  • if you are an ideal candidate
  • which procedure is right for you
  • the answers to all of your questions

so you can decide if vision correction is right for you.

Schedule My FREE Consultation!

Video Transcript:

my name is Lisa Macker and I had the Evo ICL procedure done um it’s going fantastic my vision is 20/20 and I’m a month out of surgery and it’s been amazing I I hadn’t really heard about it at all um I had always been told that I was not a candidate for lasc um I have a severe stigmatism and so um you know over the years I had been told you know when I had asked about it you’re not a candidate your stigmatism is too severe this isn’t for you your vision’s not stable um and so I really thought that it was just it wasn’t for me um and it really was my last Vision appointment with my doctor and I had asked one last time you know what what do you got for me and he actually said um no you’re not a candidate for it and you’re going to start needing reading glasses because you’re in your 40s now and I was like oh okay like touche um so that whatever Facebook algorithm land um I was scrolling through uh later that day and I had run across uh the true Vision an ad actually and it said have have you been turned down for lasic and I’m like I actually have and it said you know take a take our quiz um there are other options out there for you and I thought what do what do I have to lose I really don’t have anything to lose and so I took it and um they said you know come in for a quick eye exam and let’s see what we have available for you I’m like I really don’t have anything to lose this is kind of my last Stitch effort to see what’s out there for me it was I’m not even really sure um I came in and uh it was like the most thorough Vision exam I’d ever had in my life you know and it’s uh just test after test after test and and it was really neat because uh she came in and she sat down and she was like Lisa I just have great news for you you are an excellent candidate for one of our procedures and it was like the first time in my life I had heard not only like you qualify for something but you are an excellent candidate for one of our procedures and I was like cool this is really neat and then she explained that it was the the Evo um I procedure do you know anything about it I’m like I I don’t so explained and and I was like this sounds really incredible sounds like Space Age Technology that this sounds amazing like yeah let’s let’s do this what was that whole experience like as far as the a i versus the the lacing you know um once it was explained to me it really wasn’t that big of a deal um the thought of being awake while somebody touches my eyes actually was really kind of gross to me um in the first place so um being sedated for surgery and like not really knowing what’s going on was actually a bonus in my mind I was like yeah this sounds great this sounds way better than actually being aware of what’s Happening um so that was totally fine and just knowing you know I’m already in the healthcare field so knowing what it what it was more like um that it was kind of close to like a cataract surgery knowing that that’s a really easy procedure knowing that it’s a an incredibly common procedure um even though the technology was really new um really made me feel really comfortable with it that I wasn’t like nervous or so I am I’m an occupational therapist I work in home care and and I I drive for a living and so I especially through of course the co years I always had to wear contacts because we had to um wear all of the personal protective gear I always had to wear sunglasses when I for my job so I really was stuck to contacts I was going through contacts really quickly and they were incredibly expensive because of my stigmatism and so just normal wear and tear I would say it was just kind of it was was kind of all adding up I think was kind of my impetus for pursuing that because I’m an OT because I work in a lot of memory care um settings I work with a lot of older people um a lot of them have memory issues people will lose their glasses is like the number one thing that people lose and I’m like man I already know because of my family history that I’m probably going to have dementia and I kind of want to give myself a Fighting Chance to be at least able to see where I’m going I’m being honest the first thing that really struck me right after surgery was just being able to open my eyes for the first time since third grade and be able to see um and not have to reach for my glasses um I did notice a few times um at night time you know it’s just kind of habit to like take off your glasses before you go to bed and a few times I was like reaching for glasses that weren’t there and and that was kind of funny um and I think that was probably the most probably like life-changing thing otherwise it’s like wow this is really neat like I don’t have to take contacts out at night I can just go right to bed it was almost like weirdly strange at first to like oh I can just I can just go to bed now I don’t have to like like kind of stumble my way to bed or reach for like a pair of glasses that are like three prescriptions old you know and not be able to see as well so right away I think that was probably the biggest change but it it’s been a month now and it still doesn’t get old waking up and just like another day and I get to see right away what would I say to someone who’s been told no um you you don’t have to take no for an answer um I’ve been told no my whole life and you you don’t have to it it is no no more time out of your day you know it I I took the chance and now I have 20/20 Vision I feel fantastic and for the first time in my life I don’t have glasses I don’t have contacts and it really changed my life just do it take the survey make the appointment do it you don’t have anything to lose


Thứ Năm, 13 tháng 6, 2024

Ken Is Seeing So Clearly, It’s Scary! LASIK in Minneapolis

Right after his LASIK procedure, Ken was so thrown off by his clear vision he thought he was wearing his contacts! As someone who works in the medical field, Ken had high standards. He did diligent research to ensure he found the best practice for LASIK: Chu Vision Institute in Bloomington, MN!

Hear him talk about his journey from start to finish, finding Chu Vision, his consultation, to the day of surgery, and now seeing better than before! Before LASIK, Ken could not see anything past his fingertips. Moments after his procedure, he could read the letters on the screen. And now he is seeing life with crisp and clear vision!

Find your true north with New Vision.

Video Transcription:

I’m Ken uh I had lasiK done by Dr Chu I had it one month ago and best decision I ever made so I was tired of glasses and I was tired of my contacts and always having to adjust and the contacts drying out and glasses especially with me having a hearing aid uh it’s extremely difficult to be able to hear and see it felt like I had to do one or the other so I ended up looking into lasik before when I was living in Colorado and they uh gave me you know pretty good foundation getting into lasik and then when I came out here in Minnesota that’s when I decided to do my research so having done 23 years in the medical field I know that everybody says they’re the best but what I did is I went and did the research so I went to the Minnesota uh medical boards I went to the National Registries I went to you know the Google reviews I went to all the reviews to find out like you know separating the uh you know the wheat from the chaff and you know that’s when I found uh Dr Chu and the glowing reviews that the patients gave but more importantly the glowing reviews that his colleagues gave him and what the history and the the history and his clinical practice is what shined out the most to me so my initial uh appointment I came in got to see the front desk staff they were more than you know warm and welcoming uh definitely put me at ease I come in I sat in the uh in the waiting room it was well lit it was comfortable it was warm and inviting uh you know not all of us in the medical field have the most um inviting uh uh front rooms we’ll say but I mean you know I came in and it felt like I was just sitting at a friend’s you know in their living room it was extremely easy uh then I talked to all the technicians and the technicians that worked with me were top-notch professionals but also they had that that that spark in their eye that what they were doing was something they enjoyed not just something that they did which is something that I really took note of that they really enjoy doing this and they treated me like the utmost um from a medical standpoint they treated me the way that we are taught to have bedside Manor but I would dare say they may have even kind of stepped above that just because they were so welcoming and they were so so just inviting and then when I came back you know for my procedure everybody was super nice super sweet uh people are congratulating me the the uh the back area uh in the patient area um you know everything was put to ease every need or want I was given uh you know of course again 23 years working in a hospital and having been a manager of a clinic I know how I may have a more critical eye than most people coming into a place and there wasn’t anything out of place everything was sterile Dr Chu walked me step by step and then as soon as I came out of surgery uh it was a very big shock because I had to forget that I didn’t have contacts in cuz soon as I came in and sat down I just happened to look up and and see the eye chart and I was able to read 1050 which I couldn’t see anything past the tips of my fingers before this procedure before my leg sick and now I’m seeing everything clearly and I could have you know I think I was 2050 the first day as soon as I woke up from uh resting I could see extremely clear far out and and that’s what kind of threw me off the most was just how quickly the clarity of my vision came I can see the smallest details I can see you know just all kinds of I can see details at distances that i’ never I haven’t been able to see in 30 years for me I’m very much of a cynic I’m a I’m somebody who just does not believe things just for the sake because somebody said so also you know I am one of those people that I I’m abhorent from car uh dealership you know those sales guys and that so everybody oversells under delivers but in this case I was undersold as far as what I was going to get which I understand from a medical standpoint you know we have to do but you know Dr Chu and his team they knocked it out the park down the freeway and it’s rolling down 494 and I would put you know Dr Chu’s practice right up there with the top top 1% because and and I’m this is not something I’m saying because I’m getting paid for but I the reason we get into medicine is to help people I’m hoping that this will help somebody make the best decision that they can for their eyes there is nothing that I have experienced since having this surgery that I would ever say well I don’t know or oh maybe not this has been the best decision for my eyes that I have made I have actually used eye drops less now after the surgery than I did prior to with contacts and with glasses my eyes feel a lot more relaxed my eyes feel more hydrated I just feel a lot better


Thứ Ba, 11 tháng 6, 2024

8 Reasons You Should Get Rid of Your Progressive Lenses

Progressive lenses can be frustrating, often causing visual distortions and the inconvenience of adjusting to different focal areas. At Chu Vision Institute, we recognize these challenges and offer a permanent solution: Custom Lens Replacement. This procedure is tailored to your specific vision needs, providing a clear and lasting alternative. If you’re tired of the limitations of progressive lenses, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with us at Chu Vision Institute to explore a more effective option.

Progressive lenses, also known as multifocal lenses in eyeglasses, offer a range of benefits but also come with several disadvantages that potential users should consider. Here are the main drawbacks associated with wearing eyeglasses with progressive lenses:

1. Adjustment Period

One of the most common issues with progressive lenses is the adjustment period required to get used to them. Users often experience discomfort or disorientation during the initial phase as they learn to look through different sections of the lenses for various distances. This adjustment period can lead to temporary problems such as dizziness, nausea, and headaches.

2. Cost

Progressive lenses are typically more expensive than single-vision lenses due to the advanced technology required to create them. This higher cost can be a significant barrier for those on a budget or without adequate insurance coverage.

3. Reduced Peripheral Vision

Progressive lenses can cause reduced peripheral vision because they have a narrow corridor of clear vision. This limitation can be particularly problematic when driving or navigating unfamiliar environments, as it may affect safety.

4. Visual Distortions

Users of progressive lenses may experience visual distortions, especially in the peripheral areas of the lenses. These distortions can make it challenging to perform tasks that require precise visual acuity, such as stepping up curbs or climbing stairs.

5. Increased Risk of Glare

The design of progressive lenses can lead to increased reflections and glare, particularly in bright lighting conditions. This can be uncomfortable and impair visibility, especially for outdoor activities or driving.

6. Limited Frame Options

Not all frame styles are suitable for progressive lenses. Certain frames may not accommodate the full range of vision provided by progressives, particularly if the frames are too small or have specific shapes that interfere with the lens areas.

7. Need for Precise Fitting

To function effectively, progressive lenses require precise fitting. If the lenses are not correctly aligned with the user’s eyes, it can lead to poor vision quality and increased discomfort.

8. Potential for Motion Sickness

Some users may experience motion sickness or a sense of disorientation due to the different optical powers in various parts of the lens. This issue is particularly pronounced during the initial adjustment period.

Is custom lens replacement a better alternative to wearing progressive lenses?

At Chu Vision Institute, we offer Custom Lens Replacement (CLR) as a permanent solution to the limitations of progressive lenses. Custom Lens Replacement, also known as Refractive Lens Exchange (RLE), replaces the eye’s natural lens with a custom-fit artificial intraocular lens (IOL). This technology not only corrects common vision problems such as presbyopia, myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism but also offers a permanent improvement in vision quality, eliminating the need for frequent updates required by progressive lenses.

The CLR procedure at Chu Vision Institute is efficient, typically completed in just 15-30 minutes per eye under local anesthesia, and designed to be minimally invasive. Recovery is quick, with most patients returning to their normal activities within a few days and noticing immediate improvements in their vision. By opting for CLR, patients preemptively address potential cataract development, as the artificial lenses used will not degrade over time.

For individuals over 40 struggling with presbyopia or other refractive errors, Chu Vision Institute provides a range of IOL options tailored to meet specific lifestyle and vision needs—including monofocal, multifocal, and extended depth of focus (EDOF) lenses. We encourage those considering moving away from progressive lenses to schedule a consultation with us. At Chu Vision Institute, we are committed to enhancing your vision for a clearer, more unhindered future.

Clearer Vision Ahead: It’s the Right Time to Transition from Progressive Lenses

If you’re ready to leave behind the frustrations of progressive lenses and step into a future of clearer, more stable vision, Chu Vision Institute is here to guide you. Our Custom Lens Replacement (CLR) procedure offers a permanent, long-term solution to common vision problems associated with progressive lenses. By choosing CLR, you not only eliminate the challenges of adjustments and distortions but also gain the potential to live free from glasses. Don’t let the limitations of progressive lenses hold you back any longer. Contact us today at Chu Vision Institute to schedule your consultation and learn how CLR can transform your vision and your life.

Find your true north with New Vision.

FAQ’s About Getting Rid of Progressive Lenses

What is Custom Lens Replacement and how does it compare to progressive lenses?

Custom Lens Replacement (CLR), offered at Chu Vision Institute, involves replacing the eye’s natural lens with a customized intraocular lens (IOL). Unlike progressive lenses, which require adjustments and can cause visual distortions, CLR provides a permanent solution to various vision issues with a single procedure, enhancing visual clarity and reducing dependency on glasses and contacts.

Can Custom Lens Replacement eliminate the need for reading glasses?

Yes, Custom Lens Replacement can significantly reduce or completely eliminate the need for reading glasses, correcting farsightedness and reducing eyeglass prescriptions for bifocals or corrective lenses. At Chu Vision Institute, we tailor the IOL selection to your specific vision needs, offering options like multifocal or extended depth of focus lenses that can improve near vision and reduce reliance on readers.

Is CLR safe for older adults?

Custom Lens Replacement is generally considered safe and effective for older adults, especially those over 40 experiencing presbyopia and other refractive errors. At Chu Vision Institute, we ensure the highest standards of safety and care, with experienced professionals guiding you through the process.

How long does recovery from CLR take?

Recovery from CLR is relatively quick. Most patients at Chu Vision Institute can resume normal activities within a few days post-surgery, with many noticing immediate improvements in their vision. Full recovery and stabilization of vision might take up to a few weeks.

What are the risks associated with Custom Lens Replacement?

As with any surgical procedure, CLR carries some risks, such as infection, inflammation, or issues with the placement of the lens. However, at Chu Vision Institute, our experienced surgeons use advanced techniques to minimize risks, ensuring a safe and effective procedure.

How much does Custom Lens Replacement cost?

The cost of CLR can vary depending on the type of IOL used and the specific needs of the patient, including whether additional optometry services like an eye examination are required. While it may be higher than traditional lenses, many find the long-term benefits justify the cost. Chu Vision Institute provides detailed consultations to discuss financial options and what to expect.

Will I still need to wear glasses after CLR?

While CLR aims to reduce your dependence on glasses, some patients may still need glasses for certain activities or under specific conditions, such as using a computer monitor, where sunglasses or contact lenses might not suffice. Chu Vision Institute offers comprehensive post-operative care to optimize your vision and minimize the need for corrective eyewear.

What types of intraocular lenses (IOLs) are available for CLR?

At Chu Vision Institute, we offer a variety of IOLs, including monofocal, multifocal, and extended depth of focus lenses including the Light Adjustable Lens. Each type has different benefits, and we work closely with you to choose the best option based on your lifestyle and vision requirements.

Can CLR correct astigmatism?

Yes, CLR can correct astigmatism, improving visual perception and reducing eye strain, particularly in professions involving extensive computer use. Special toric IOLs are used at Chu Vision Institute to correct astigmatism, providing clearer vision across all distances. These lenses are specifically designed to correct irregular curvature of the cornea or lens in your eye.

How do I know if I am a candidate for CLR?

To determine if you are a candidate for CLR, Chu Vision Institute’s ophthalmology team conducts a thorough eye exam, assessing your eye health, visual perception, and specific vision needs. Factors like the health of your eyes, the severity of your vision problems, and your overall health are considered during the evaluation.


Thứ Tư, 15 tháng 5, 2024

What Should I Do, Dr. Chu? Cataracts and LASIK on Twin Cities Live

We were back visiting our friends at Twin Cities Live! Dr. Chu answers common questions about cataracts, LASIK, and other vision correction options at Chu Vision Institute.

Can cataract surgery correct reading vision? Does it hurt? Is there any new technology coming out to correct vision? What if you’re not a candidate for LASIK?

Watch Dr. Chu talk to Ben and Elizabeth about vision correction and answer your questions!


Thứ Ba, 7 tháng 5, 2024

Ray and his Light Adjustable Lens at Chu Vision in Minneapolis

Ray can see “So well it’s scary”

When he was told by his eye doctor that his cataracts were ready for surgery, he made his way over to Chu Vision Institute. The first thing Ray noticed was the awesome staff who are committed to taking care of you. Then he learned that Chu Vision has the most options for vision correction after cataract surgery. Ray opted for the Light Adjustable Lens. Suddenly, everything is whiter and brighter!

He can enjoy life better, including playing with his young grandkids, collecting coins, and playing pickleball! Watch the video to hear Ray share his story.




uh my name is Ray rockholt and I had the light adjustable lens procedure done I can see so well it’s it’s almost scary at times a little over a year ago I went to my normal eye appointment and was told that the Cataract in my right eye was starting to get fairly cloudy and I could still see I could see distance without any problem but when it came to reading like you know you read a book or you hold your phone and read your phone or that became difficult and last fall it got to the point where I just I couldn’t take it I just I you know I was straining to read reading glasses weren’t helping my contacts weren’t doing any good and so I was referred to chu vision and that’s my story on how I landed at this place my first visit into the office I’m going to call out the staff in this place because everybody’s awesome I mean they’re really awesome they call you by your first name when you come through the front door they’re friendly anything that you need to know you’re told the clinic side of the staff is awesome I liked them because my wife and I are pretty we’re active we like to ride bikes we like to walk we really like to play pickle ball and I’m sure other people will go through this that’s why I want to emphasize the first time you’re going to be nervous because you don’t know what to expect but they put you out so you know nothing and when you wake up it’s all done the first thing I noticed was how much how much everything popped suddenly a toilet is white a sink in the bathroom is white that’s a huge difference that people will notice is how much bluer the sky looks how much whiter that wall looks you’re used to seeing yellow because that’s all you see once that is taken out of the picture the difference is phenomenal and now it’s just as clear as it can be I was getting my haircut the other day and my hair stylist I’ve kept in in the loop on this and she was anxious to see how it resolved well sitting in her chair probably 6 feet away from me I could read that crystal clear it blew her mind I can’t believe it with my contacts I can’t read that we have two grandkids one 25 month and one 10month boy and the 10month is a redhead my wife and I like to spend a lot of time with the grandkids they’re at this age they’re a lot of fun I like to dabble in collecting old coins kind of a fun and my wife and I love to play pickle ball I have dabbled in collecting for probably 5 years now uh my dad used to be a pretty avid collector when he was alive and you know I would I would pick up whatever a penny or a dime and and I would always have to use a magnifying glass to really see what I wanted to see since I’ve had this surgery I don’t need the magnifier anymore the things just razor sharp what I noticed with pickle ball is it’s much easier to follow the ball because I can see it clearly now I notice uh pickle balls are typically yellow and when I wore contact I could contacts I could see it but it it wasn’t really that clear I I like to hit the ball in the center of the paddle and I would either be up or down a little bit because I couldn’t really perceive where it was coming because of not being able to see it well that problem is 100% solved yeah I can see the balls clearly so my brain was compensating for some of the yellow that it saw but so here’s another thing so this little boy his name is Brody and since he’s a redhead his nickname we call him Rusty daughter sends me a picture the other day of Rusty and he’s sitting down it’s a cute picture he’s sitting down looking at the camera and they have yet to cut his hair so he’s got all this red hair that’s sticking straight up on the top of his head and he’s got probably a half dozen maybe eight hairs that are even longer and sticking straight up I could see those crystal clear in the picture it’s so fun to for both grandkids to be able to see them clearly if I could be a poster boy for you guys on billboards I’d do it but I think the coolest thing for me is well one of the coolest things is getting out of bed first thing in the morning open your eyes everything’s crystal clear you don’t have to walk to your dresser and get your glasses or put reading glasses on to check your phone whatever you want to look at email or whatever it’s just all clear it’s just like being a 5-year-old again you get out of bed wow life is good life is easy this place is worth it folks you need to come in here and talk to them if you’re having any eye problems I’m the perfect poster child because I saw horribly now I see perfectly


Thứ Ba, 16 tháng 4, 2024

Can you use FSA or HSA for LASIK?

At Chu Vision, we understand that financial considerations are a key part of planning your LASIK surgery. Many patients ask about the possibility of using their Flexible Spending Account (FSA) or Health Savings Account (HSA) to cover the cost of the procedure. This article will discuss how these accounts can be used to help cover the cost of LASIK, helping you make informed decisions regarding your vision correction procedure. To find out if you’re a good candidate for a life-changing LASIK procedure, schedule a LASIK consultation with Chu Vision today.

Can you use FSA or HSA for LASIK? 2024 Update

Yes, you can use your FSA and HSA to assist with the cost of your LASIK procedure at Chu Vision. For the 2024 tax year, the IRS has set new annual contribution limits for both Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) and Health Savings Accounts (HSA).

It’s beneficial for those with access to these accounts to know that laser vision correction, including LASIK, qualifies as an eligible expense under IRS guidelines. Utilizing these tax-advantaged accounts allows you to pay for your refractive surgery using pre-tax dollars, which could translate to substantial savings of 20%-30% depending on your tax situation.

The financial advantage of HSAs and FSAs is significant, offering a way to cover refractive eye surgery costs effectively with pre-taxed earnings. The amount you contribute to these accounts might be enough to pay for the entire procedure. At Chu Vision, our financial specialists are equipped to guide you through the process of using your FSA and HSA funds for LASIK, potentially covering a major portion or even the full cost of your surgery.

What are contribution limits for FSA or HSA, and will they cover the cost of LASIK?

  • The contribution limits for Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) are set at $3,200 annually for an individual and $5,000 for dependent care (family).
  • Health Savings Accounts (HSA) have a 2024 annual contribution limit of $4,150 for self-only high-deductible health plan coverage and $8,300 for family coverage.
  • Typically, LASIK surgery costs range from $2000 to $3,500 per eye.

Given these costs, the contribution limits for both FSAs and HSAs may fully or partially cover the cost of LASIK surgery. Patients can use their entire FSA or HSA contribution towards the procedure. If the LASIK cost exceeds the available FSA or HSA funds, the remaining balance can be settled using a credit card or through one of our approved financing plans. Chu Vision strives to provide clear information on these financial aspects to ensure patients can effectively plan and utilize their accounts for their LASIK procedure.

How does an FSA work?

A Flexible Spending Account (FSA) is an employer-sponsored benefit that allows employees to use pre-tax dollars for medical expenses, such as LASIK surgery. To enroll in an FSA, it must be offered by your employer. Once enrolled, a predetermined amount of your income is deducted from your paycheck before taxes and allocated to your FSA. This process not only provides immediate savings on medical costs, often reducing the total LASIK surgery expense by 20-30%, but it also decreases your annual tax burden.

The total amount you elect to contribute to your FSA for the year is generally available from the first day of the plan year, enabling you to use the funds for LASIK without waiting for the full amount to be deducted from your paychecks. It’s crucial to note that FSA funds are typically “use it or lose it,” meaning they expire at the end of the plan year. However, some employers may offer a grace period allowing unused funds to carry over into the next year for a limited time.

FSAs are similar to Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) but with some distinctions, such as lower contribution limits and the ability to access the entire annual contribution at the start of the year. With the “use it or lose it” rule, it’s essential to plan your LASIK surgery and other medical expenses carefully to maximize the use of your FSA funds.

Find your true north with New Vision.

How does an HSA work?

A Health Savings Account (HSA) functions as a tax-advantaged bank account that enables individuals to allocate pre-tax dollars via payroll deductions for future out-of-pocket healthcare expenses. Eligibility for an HSA is contingent upon enrollment in a high-deductible health insurance plan. Unlike a Flexible Spending Account (FSA), the funds in an HSA are not subject to an annual “use it or lose it” policy, allowing the money to grow over time if not spent.

In 2024, the contribution limits for an HSA are $4,150 for individuals and $8,300 for families. These funds can be used to cover medical costs not paid for by insurance, including procedures like LASIK surgery. One distinct aspect of HSAs is that the contributions need to be in the account before they can be used for eligible healthcare expenses, essentially functioning like a personal pre-tax savings account for medical needs.

This structure offers a significant advantage as it allows for long-term financial planning for healthcare expenses, with the added benefit of the funds being available to accumulate interest or investment returns over time. Chu Vision clients considering LASIK surgery can leverage their HSA funds, providing a flexible and tax-efficient way to manage the cost of their eye care needs.

Maximize Your Vision Investment: Navigating FSA and HSA for LASIK at Chu Vision

Leveraging your Flexible Spending Account (FSA) or Health Savings Account (HSA) for LASIK at Chu Vision is a wise financial decision. These accounts offer substantial tax advantages and can significantly reduce the out-of-pocket cost of your LASIK surgery. With the potential to cover the full cost of the procedure, utilizing your FSA or HSA funds is a practical approach to investing in your vision. Don’t let the intricacies of financial planning hold you back from achieving clear vision. Contact Chu Vision today to discuss how you can use your FSA or HSA for LASIK and take the first step towards a life with clear vision.

More FAQ’s About Can you use FSA or HSA for LASIK

What is the deadline to use FSA funds for LASIK?

FSA funds typically need to be used by the end of your plan year, but some plans offer a grace period extending into the next year. Chu Vision recommends scheduling your LASIK consultation early to utilize your FSA benefits before they expire.

Can I use my HSA for LASIK if I switch jobs?

Yes, HSA funds are yours to keep, even if you change employers. This means you can use your accumulated HSA funds for LASIK at Chu Vision regardless of your current job situation.

Does Chu Vision offer assistance in using FSA/HSA funds for LASIK?

Chu Vision provides support in utilizing your FSA/HSA funds for LASIK, offering guidance on the process and helping ensure you maximize your benefits.

Can FSA/HSA be used for LASIK-related medications or post-surgery care?

Yes, FSA and HSA funds can be used for LASIK-related expenses, including medications and post-operative care at Chu Vision, as these are considered eligible medical expenses.

Is there a minimum amount I must have in my FSA/HSA to use for LASIK?

There is no minimum amount required; you can use whatever funds you have available in your FSA or HSA for LASIK at Chu Vision, whether it covers part or the full cost.

What happens if I don’t use all of my FSA funds for LASIK?

Unused FSA funds are typically forfeited at the end of the plan year, unless your plan offers a grace period or rollover option. Chu Vision advises planning your LASIK procedure accordingly to utilize all available FSA funds.

Can I use both FSA and HSA funds for LASIK in the same year at Chu Vision?

Yes, if you have both accounts and they have sufficient funds, you can use money from both your FSA and HSA in the same year for LASIK at Chu Vision.

How do I know how much FSA/HSA money to allocate for LASIK?

Chu Vision can provide a cost estimate for your LASIK procedure, helping you decide how much to allocate to your FSA or HSA during your benefit enrollment period.

Are there any tax implications for using FSA/HSA for LASIK?

Using FSA or HSA funds for LASIK at Chu Vision is tax-advantaged, reducing your taxable income since these funds are pre-tax dollars used for eligible medical expenses.

Can I use my spouse’s FSA/HSA for my LASIK surgery?

If you are a dependent on your spouse’s FSA or HSA, you can use their funds for your LASIK surgery at Chu Vision. Check with your specific plan to confirm dependent eligibility.

What are the tax benefits and medical eligibility for using FSA/HSA for LASIK performed by a surgeon at Chu Vision?

Using your FSA or HSA for LASIK, a type of laser surgery, at Chu Vision can provide tax benefits such as tax deductions or tax exemptions. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) allows these funds to be used for out-of-pocket expenses like LASIK, photorefractive keratectomy, and other corrective lens surgeries, including the cost of lenses, glasses, or contact lenses. This makes LASIK an attractive option for those with high-deductible health plans (HDHPs) looking for tax-deductible ways to improve visual acuity and finance their healthcare needs.

How does employment status and health policy impact my ability to use FSA/HSA for LASIK?

Your employment and the health policy you have, especially if it’s a high-deductible health plan (HDHP), directly affect your ability to contribute to and use FSA or HSA funds. These accounts are tied to your employment and the health care policy offered by your employer. Chu Vision can assist in coordinating the payment process for LASIK, leveraging your optometry benefits, and ensuring you get the most from your investment in corrective lens surgery for improving visual acuity.
